Crochet Jute Twine Doily

Crochet Jute Twine Doily

Jute twine. It’s not just for gardening anymore. I’ve actually used it to make this doily for Mama following the “Chunky Doily Rug” pattern by Pamela Wynne from the Crochet At Home book. It certainly had its moment in the spotlight at our house this past few days since myContinue Reading…

Free Pattern for Crochet Easter Bunny

Crochet Eggster Bunny

Like any other child I know, my son Eion has always been fascinated with Kinder surprise eggs so when hubby brought home a large Kinderino Eggman last Christmas his face lit up with excitement and joy. I can tell he was just as excited to play with the eggman asContinue Reading…

Make your own DIY Stitch Markers in a flash and have fun being creative!

DIY Stitch Markers

Last week I finally got the chance to visit a local craft store before doing my weekly trip to the grocery store. I went straight to their DIY bracelet and charms section and bought all the materials I need to make my DIY stitch markers which has been on myContinue Reading…

Free Pattern for Crochet Hearts Coaster

Crochet Hearts Coaster

Recently I bought a violet mercerized cotton yarn with “violet” being the color of the year in my mind, but when I got home I can’t even think of a single project that I could make with it. Maybe because violet is not my new black or because I preferContinue Reading…

Free Pattern for Crochet Fingerless Gloves

Crochet Fingerless Gloves

Time passes so fast and I can’t believe it’s been that long since my last blog post. With hubby coming home for the Holidays, we’ve been so busy and spent a lot of time going out of town. We surely enjoyed every minute of our little travel adventures but thisContinue Reading…

Star Stitch Cup Coaster Cozy

Not wanting to be limited to what was available in store, I took the time to design and make several handmade gifts despite the hustle and bustle of last Christmas season. Among the items I made, this 2-in-1 cup coaster cozy is one of my favorite crochet gift and stashContinue Reading…

Free Amigurumi Pug Dog Pattern

Crochet Pug Puppy

To welcome the New Year 2018, I’ve made this amigurumi dog for my son Eion. It’s extra special because Hubby got to participate with adding some details and design. So friends, meet “Koko” our New Year pug dog! Don’t be fooled by his wrinkly muzzled face because it can beContinue Reading…